Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I headed over to Main for a Bigfoot sighting in the forest. Some kids saw the creature around a hiking trail. You cant take the word of a few kids, but I'll go over the evidence my self and determine if it's genuine. I took a stare at the prints (Wallace?) and picked up a few samples, looks like Albert and G.R.O.V.E.R will have to examine the unknown hairs and elements.

Boggy Creek is Back!

Can you remember the 1972 campy film "the Legend of Boggy Creek"? Well... I almost puked watching that stupid film! I faced off with the real Bigfoot and he is cunning bastard! Anyhow here is a link to the new 2010 remake of Boggy Creek. http://www.boggycreekthemovie.com/